Thursday, March 9, 2017

Veterinary Acupuncture

Modern Western Medicine has come to conclusions, in the last few centuries, similar to those realized by their Chinese counterparts 2,000 years ago.  Their investigation technique is called Science.  From the anatomical and physiological studies doctors have worked out how blood flows, how the immune system  works and how the nervous system controls is all.  Where Traditional Chinese Medicine theory says you have blockages of energy flow, modern medicine could describe this as poor blood circulation leading to fibrositis if in the muscles, angina if in the heart and strokes if in the brain.  Western medicine uses drugs to combat these effects where the Chinese would use needles and herbs.  Needling carefully chosen acupoints has been shown, scientifically, to release morphone-like substances called 'endorphins' and to change the way the brain and the nervous system recognizes an area of disease.  It is as if acupuncture has a re-educating effect on the body dealing badly with and injured limb or diseased organ.  So, waking up of the immune system, the circulatory system and focusing this new activity through carefully repeated needling seems to be the physical effect of acupuncture.  It must be said that the Traditional Chinese Medicine approach can often work better than the high-tech scientific approach!  This is especially true when dealing with longstanding disease.

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